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Singing has many, many benefits to our overall wellbeing, and singing in a community provides even more. Choir membership brings with it the challenge to learn a variety of styles, memorise some music, and blend with a diverse group of people. While an element of discipline is expected in relation to punctuality, practice and organization, these are outweighed by the satisfaction of performing in the ensemble - "a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts".
Singing in Vocalize Choir
Vocalize is designed to be a community choir that sings for the joy of it. We welcome anyone (16+) who would like to join us. No experience or audition is necessary and the ability to read music is not a requirement. New members are given the opportunity to Come and Try Vocalize for two weeks before being invited to join as full members.
Below are some of our most frequently asked questions:
What sort of music do you sing?
We sing all kinds of repertoire, mostly using sheet music but not always. We enjoy vintage pop (60s-80s), jazz, musicals, rock and contemporary pop, classical choral music, as well as seasonal Christmas music, just to name a few.
When and where do you rehearse?
We rehearse weekly during SA school terms on Monday* nights 7:00-8:45 or 9:00pm. The venue is Cooinda Neighbourhood Centre, 245 Sturt Road Sturt. There is a large carpark on site. * Except Public Holidays.
Is reading music compulsory?
No you are not required to be able to read music, however, it is certainly advantageous in learning the music. Our Help Sheet is available to assist in explaining some of the musical terminology and symbols.
Other resources are made available to members including audio recordings of each vocal part.
Am I expected to attend every rehearsal?
Regular attendance is helpful for everyone. We realise that some members are unable to attend every week due to other commitments; all we ask is that you attend on a regular basis. It can be difficult to catch up songs if too many rehearsals are missed.
Are performances compulsory?
Vocalize Choir offers a handful of performances each year, with varying degrees of preparation required. It is not compulsory to perform if you would prefer not to, or you are unavailable. However each performance requires a minimum number of singers so if you commit to a performance we ask you to honour your commitment.