


Vocalize is an adult community choir seeking lively singers of all ages, ranges and abilities. No experience necessary and no audition - just come and join in the fun!
Vocalize sings a variety of music:

  • Contemporary
  • Classical
  • Rock
  • Jazz
  • Gospel
  • Show tunes & musicals
  • Pop ballads
  • Seasonal music

A choir is a fantastic opportunity to create community by uniting people around a common interest in a way that's enjoyable, challenging and rewarding. And, what's more - it's fun!

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All our rehearsals are open to the public and to potential new members. And like most choirs, we could always do with a few more men!

We rehearse on Monday evenings during the school terms, 7PM at Cooinda Neighbourhood Centre, 245 Sturt Road Sturt. Most rehearsals go for 90 minutes, followed by a trip to the pub for those interested. 

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Want Vocalize Choir to sing at your next function?

Why not hire Vocalize to entertain at your next event? We can perform at corporate functions, charity events, community entertainment events, birthdays or Christmas parties, awards nights, weddings, engagements, anniversaries, and even funerals or memorial services. You can engage the larger group (approx 50) or a smaller ensemble (approx 12), with or without solo items. 

Copyright © 2024 Vocalize Choir